The Evolution of US-Israeli-Syrian Peace Negotiations, 1993-2000.
Arab-Jewish Relations: From Conflict to Resolution? Elie Podeh and Asher Kaufman (eds.), Sussex Academic Press, Brighton, 2005.
The Evolution of US-Israeli-Syrian Peace Negotiations, 1993-2000.
Arab-Jewish Relations: From Conflict to Resolution? Elie Podeh and Asher Kaufman (eds.), Sussex Academic Press, Brighton, 2005.
Itamar Rabinobich in: Chaeran Y. Freeze, Sylvia Fuks Fried, and Eugene R. Sheppard (eds.), The Individual in History: Essays in Honor of...
Published in Horizons, no. 26 (Spring 2024). The current Middle Eastern arena has been shaped by several major developments. These...