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How not to negotiate with Syria
Jerusalem Post, Nov 25, 2008 The "Syrian track" - Israel's negotiation with Syria, actual and potential, about the resolution of their...
Israeli policy-makers, take note
(Bitterlemons, April 15, 2010 Edition 9 Volume 8 ) What General David Petraeus said in his testimony before the Senate's Armed Services...
Assessing the Obstacles to and Opportunities in a Future Israeli-Syrian-American Peace Negotiation
(The Brookings Institution, 31/05/2010) INTRODUCTION In the ebb and flow of Middle East diplomacy, the two interrelated issues of an...
Israel could respond by reviving the Syrian track
For Israel, as for other actors interested in Lebanese affairs, the visit by Iran's president to Lebanon was more a matter of symbolism...
Discussing the Arab Peace Initiative
The Arab Peace Initiative in its 2002 and 2007 incarnations has met with two categories of responses in Israel. The Israeli Right has...
Israel’s Dilemma in Damascus
Jerusalem’s View on the Syrian Uprising Foreign Affairs, April 10, 2011 Syrian President Bashar al-Assad may blame Israel for his...
Egypt's new role in the conflict
Israel's best response is still to renew negotiations bitterlemons, September 05, 2011 Edition 26 This is an arduous path, but the only...
Israel: positive and negative ramifications
bitterlemons, November 03, 2011 Edition 32 The impact of the "Arab spring" on Israel has so far been mixed. Like other actors observing...
The Devil We Knew
The New York Times, November 18, 2011 During the first 25 years of its existence, until Hafez al-Assad came to power in 1970, the Syrian...
Peace, Normalization and Finality
The American Interest, December 1, 2011 In the mid-1970s, an unusual book was published in Egypt under the title After the Guns Fall...
The Anarchy Factor in Syria
Project Syndicate, May 2, 2012 TEL AVIV – The failure of the Obama administration, its Western allies, and several Middle East regional...
Syria: The View from Israel
Israel has little sympathy for Assad – but is all too aware that any attempt to influence the Syrian would be fraught with danger The...
The Sinai Powder Keg
TEL AVIV– The crisis in the Sinai Peninsula seems to have been dwarfed by Sunday’s drama in Cairo, the civilian coup staged by President...
Talking to Islamists – Israel’s Choices
Caravan, Hoover Institution, August 13, 2012 The policy debate on the proper response to the challenges presented by the recent surge in...
Alawite Secessionism in Historical Perspective
Tel Aviv Notes, vol. 7, no. 1, January 10, 2013 Nearly two years after the outbreak of what has become the Syrian civil war, it is...
Israel Steps Into Syria
Foreign Affairs, February 6, 2013 Last week, after two years of watching the Syria crisis unfold with quiet unease [1], Israel departed...
The American Advantage
The American Advantage: How Diversity, Autonomy and Philanthropy Define the U.S. University Model by Itamar Rabinovich and C Wright...
Religion, Nation, and State in the Middle East: An Overview
Itamar Rabinovich, “Religion, Nation, and State in the Middle East: An Overview.” In: Anita Shapira, Yedidia Z. Stern and Alexander...
The Regional Ramifications of Morsi's Removal from Power
The Caravan, July 31, 2013 Morsi’s removal from power and the exacerbation of the conflict over Egypt’s identity and political future add...
The Changing of the Tide in the Syrian Civil War
INSS Insight No. 499, December 17, 2013 The tide is changing in the Syrian civil war. Bashar al-Assad and his regime are gaining...
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