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Syria's Quest for a Regional Role
Wilson Center Working Paper, 1986.
La France et le Levant
in I. Malkin (ed.) La France et le Mediterranee (Leiden, 1990).
Syria and Lebanon
Current History, February 1987, February 1989 and February 1990.
Between Nationalists and 'Moderates': France and Syria in the 1930's
in Charles Issawi and A. Udovitch (eds.), Studies in Honor of Bernard Lewis (Princeton, N.J., 1989).
The Suez-Sinai Campaign -- The Regional Dimension
in M. Shemesh and I. Troen (eds.), The Suez-Sinai Crisis (London, 1990).
The Changing Prism: Syrian Policy in Lebanon as a Mirror, an Issue and an Instrument
in M. Ma'oz and A. Yaniv (eds), Syria under Asad (London, 1987).
The Gulf Crisis and Its Aftermath
Paper presented to the conference on European Security, Athens, November 1988.
Syria, Lebanon and Israel
International Journal, Summer 1990.
The Middle East
in Nicholas Rizopoulos (ed.), Sea Changes: US Policy and a World Transformed, Council on Foreign Relations, New York, 1990.
Apologetics and Public Diplomacy
The Final Phase of Israel's Negotiation With Hafez al-Assad David Menashri (ed.) Religion and State in the Middle East (Tel Aviv, 2006)...
Proving US indispensability
The current fighting in Gaza has for some time been "a disaster waiting to happen". When it finally did happen this came at an...
From Deposit to Commitment
The Evolution of US-Israeli-Syrian Peace Negotiations, 1993-2000. Arab-Jewish Relations: From Conflict to Resolution? Elie Podeh and...
A First Step Toward Obama, Haaretz, June 12, 2009
This is not a portion of U.S. President Barack Obama's address in Cairo, but a paragraph from a document that appears to be one of the...
On Golan 'deposits' and withdrawal, Haaretz, July 15, 2009
In an interview conducted by Ari Shavit with national security adviser Dr. Uzi Arad (Haaretz Magazine, July 10, 2009), we find the...
Testing the "Israel Lobby" Thesis, The American Interest
The article was published in the Brookings Institute website on March/April 2008
Courting Syria
Courting Syria - Haaretz, 29/11/2006 A change in the United States' Middle East policy seems to be in the offing. The reasons for this...
What will happen after Bush?
What will happen after Bush? Haaretz, 15/11/2007 In its latest issue, dated November 8, The New York Review of Books published in a...
Narrowing the Gulf
Narrowing the Gulf - Haaretz 06/01/2008 For many years the most influential Western cultural institution in the Arab world was the...
Syria at a Crossroads
(INSS, April, 2009) The Ba'ath regime's primary concern is its own survival. After nearly forty years of rule by the Asad dynasty, it...
The Greater Syria Plan and Palestine Problem
The Greater Syria Plan and Palestine Problem: Historical Roots, 1919-1939 Source: The Jerusalem Cathedra: Studies in the History,...
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